+52 664 980 0910

Nail Salon Tijuana

Chop Shop Nail Salon Tijuana is near Zona Rio, Colonia Cacho

Chop Shop is the Beauty Salon Near you & Open Now!

Manicure, Pedicure, and Acrilic Nails in Tijuana Nail Salon

Pedicure at Nail Salon Tijuana

Rejuvinate natural beauty  with a Pedicure and Manicure at Nail Salon Tijuana

Reserve our Pedicure Service for only 480mxn

Pedicure: $460mxn
Manicure: $340mxn

Acrilic Nails at Nail salon in Tijuana can enhance your nail strength and give you the natural nail appearance you’ve always wanted.

Nail Salon Tijuana Manicure & Acrilic Nails

Starting at 340mxn

Nail Salon Services

See an overview of our nail Salon Services below

Nail Salon mirros
Nail Salon Neon
Nail Salon mirros
Retouch Acrilic Nails
Acrilic Nails
Facials in Tijuana Icon
Acrilic Nail Removal and Polish Removal
Blow Dryer Icon
Nail Shaping
Beauty Salon Tijuana
Nail Polish and Artistic Design
Reliable Content
Nail Salon Neon

Be excited about your style!

Give your nails texture with a Level 2 Nail Art

Cotton Candy Pink Velvet Nail Polish Color Effect at Tijuana Nail Salon
Tijuana Nail Salon Pedicure Nail Section

Modern and Sophisticated Nail Salon in Tijuana

Open atmosphere with Wifi, TV, Climate control, and also built in pedicure sinks and much more all at Chop Shop nail Salon in Tijuana.

Nail Products & Nail Brands

As you can imagine, Nail Products and Services are Diverse and can range from simple to very complex. The easiest way we could simplify the complexity of nail services and a wide variety of art is to offer fixed pricing on more routine type of services like Manicure, Pedicure, Set of Acrilic Nails, Acrilic Nail wash and retouch, also Acrilic Nail Removal.


Acrilic Nails
$ 340mxn or $420mxn
Pricing depends on style, shape, length.

Acrilic Nail Bath:

Acrilic Nail retouch:

Acrilic Nail Removal

As far as the nail art, there is an infinite amount of designs, options and art to choose from  and it’s not easy to negotiate with an artist! So for this, we have 4 categories of Nail Art that we easily named Level 1, Level 2, Level 3 and Level 4 Nail ARt. Eaach Level has a fixed price and a general definition of the type of art that is within that category. This allows the artist to concentrate on the perfect design and it allows our cients to rest assured they are not being charged  for each brush Stroke. Above this paragraph is the fixed pricing for each services mentioned here.

Level 1 Nail Art: 280mxn

One Color

Level 2 Nail Art: 380mxn

Effect of Color

Level 3 Nail Art: 520mxn

Arstic Design with Sticker Art

Level 4 Nail Art: 680mxn

Elaborate art design with possible 3d affect, rocks, jewels, etc.

Nail Salon Map and Directions